May 23

Question of the Day: Are You Seeing the Effects of Climate Change in Patients?

The ATS Daily Bulletin asked ATS 2017 attendees, “Are You Seeing the Effects of Climate Change in Patients?”

Discovery Quest Winners

Play Discovery Quest on the ATS 2017 mobile app for a chance to win one of five iPad Minis awarded each day. Visit participating exhibitors and answer the questions correctly for your chance to win.

New Treatments for Pneumonia, Sepsis

A promising treatment for sepsis made mainstream news in March when a doctor in Virginia reported success in treating patients using intravenous vitamin C, hydrocortisone, and thiamine.

Devices Enable Lung Volume Reduction

Devices for bronchoscopic lung volume reduction could be approved for use in the United States within the next year. Learn the latest on the devices, patient selection, and integrating these therapies with lung transplantation during Bronchoscopic Lung Volume Reduction: Is It Finally a Reality?

High School Senior to Present Research

A New York high school senior will present her research on engineered nanoparticles as a potential drug delivery system for lung disease during a Poster Discussion Session Tuesday.

Session to Investigate Developments Leading to Improved Diagnosis of Lung Disease

The role and the utility of thoracic imaging in lung disease are evolving rapidly. From the recent approval of lung cancer screening using CT to advances in the quantification of vascular damage in COPD, imaging is moving to center stage in the evaluation and treatment of lung disease.

COPD’s Growing Burden

COPD, a leading cause of death in the U.S. and around the world, is not just a smoker’s disease.

Obesity the Enemy of Lung Function

Obesity is an epidemic that is tied to a variety of health conditions, but evidence is mounting that it may be linked to changes in lung function, asthma, and sleep. A conversation about obesity last year led several pediatric physicians to develop an ATS 2017 session to examine those links.

Proteostasis: A New Understanding About Age-Related Diseases

Three ATS assemblies have joined forces to examine “the most interesting thing happening in the world of science as related to lung pathophysiology”—proteostasis, a mash-up of the words protein and homeostasis that refers to the second, and lesser-known, part of the protein life cycle.

2017 ATS Assembly Awards

The ATS presented several Assembly awards this year. View the list of award recipients.
