Put Your Best Face Forward

How you present yourself, even virtually—maybe especially virtually—says so much about you. Your headshot is your introduction and your first impression. Put your professional image in the hands of, well, professionals.

The ATS is offering free professional headshots in the Exhibit Hall during the International Conference. No appointment necessary. Just stop by the booth, smile, and ATS will email the pictures to you right from the booth. So easy.

Don’t think you’ll use a professional picture?

Consider these five simple uses for an upgraded photo that could completely boost your image.

On social media.
Fuzzy photos—or no photo at all—is the wrong message to send on social media platforms, especially professional sites such as LinkedIn.

With your company bio.
This is one of the first places a search will land someone who is looking for you. Why not make a great first impression?

In your email signature.
This is a fresh way to engage with people via email.

On your résumé.
Liven things up on your résumé with a professional picture. This will make you a real standout.

For author and speaker profiles.
It’s so useful to have a professional picture on hand and will prevent that last-minute scramble to get and provide one.
