Opening Ceremony
4:30-5:30 p.m.
Saturday, May 20
Hall E (Middle Building, Level 2)
Walter E. Washington Convention Center

James J. Heckman, PhD
The winner of the 2000 Nobel Prize in Economics, James J. Heckman, PhD, will speak at the ATS 2017 International Conference Opening Ceremony. Prof. Heckman shared the prestigious award for his work on the microeconometrics of diversity and heterogeneity, and for establishing a sound causal basis for public policy evaluation.
Prof. Heckman is director of the Center for the Economics of Human Development at the University of Chicago. He has focused his professional life on the study of the origins of major social and economic problems related to inequality, social mobility, discrimination, skill formation, and regulation, and to devising and evaluating alternative strategies for addressing those problems.
During the Opening Ceremony, the Public Service Award, the World Lung Health Award, and the Jo Rae Wright Award for Outstanding Science will be presented, and ATS President David Gozal, MD, MBA, will deliver an address.