Know Before You Go

ATS 101 Orientation Session
11 a.m.-Noon
Sunday, May 21
Center for Career Development, Hall D (Middle Building, Level 2), Walter E. Washington Convention Center

The International Conference can be an overwhelming experience, so plan to attend an orientation session that will help you navigate the conference. Presenters also will provide an overview of how the ATS works as well as tips and information on how to become more active in the Society.

Speakers at the session will be Monica Kraft, MD, of the University of Arizona Health Sciences Center, and Patricia Kritek, MD, of the University of Washington.

Road Map for Early Career Professionals

The Road Map will help you track the conference’s major sessions. It also highlights several events, programs, resources, and tools that are of particular interest to all early career professionals.

ATS Center is Info Central

If you need to pick up ATS educational and membership information, information for your patients, and more, stop by the ATS Center in the Exhibit Hall at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Hall A (South Building, Lower Level).

At the ATS Center, you can:

  • Access more than 100 patient information fact sheets at computer kiosks. Choose from more than 100 titles in English, as well as translations of some fact sheets into Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, Italian, Turkish, and Serbian. You also can pick up a schedule for Lung Disease Week at the ATS.
  • Test your knowledge of pulmonary, critical care, or sleep medicine when you visit the Take the Challenge kiosk. Those with high scores will receive a free gift!
  • Enhance your education. Learn about ATS education products, including MOC and CME opportunities; many are free to ATS members.
  • Learn about grant opportunities through the ATS Foundation Research Program and other programs.
  • Rediscover the three ATS medical journals and pick up the centenary issue of the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. Try out the journal apps for iOS and Android.
  • Purchase gift items, including a pewter lung key chain, conference T-shirt, fleece jacket, 4-in-1 pen/stylus with pointer and laser light, robot puzzle cube, and more.
  • Obtain a copy of Highlights for Clinicians, peruse Guidelines Pocket Cards, and pick up copies of the Clinical Year in Review, Nursing Year in Review, and Pediatric Year in Review.
  • Get a copy of the Rare Lung Disease Guide, which is designed to help you find important presentations at the conference.
  • Pick up the Road Map for Early Career Professionals to learn about conference sessions most advantageous for your career.

When you join the American Thoracic Society or renew your membership at the ATS Center, you will receive a free gift pack. Plus, your ATS membership will guarantee you reduced prices on ATS products and services.

The ATS Center will be open during Exhibit Hall hours, from 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Sunday, May 21, Monday, May 22, and Tuesday, May 23.

ATS Membership Booth

You will be able to join the ATS or renew your membership at the Membership Booth next to Conference Registration in the lobby of Hall A and receive a free gift pack! Your ATS membership guarantees you reduced prices on ATS products and services. The booth will be open at the same time as Registration:

  • Friday, May 19: 6:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • Saturday, May 20: 6:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.
  • Sunday, May 21: 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
  • Monday, May 22: 6:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • Tuesday, May 23: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • Wednesday, May 24: 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Online Exhibitor Directory

The Online Exhibitor Directory is like having your own GPS for the Exhibit Hall. You can find it at This convenient, interactive tool lets your smartphone lead you to more than 200 exhibitors showcasing their products and services.

Click My Show Planner at the top of the page to find exhibitors, sort by location, and add appointments to make the most of your visit. Take the guesswork out of finding the right exhibitors by completing the profile wizard. This handy tool prepopulates a list of exhibitors based on the disease areas of interest to you. Print the list by name or booth number, or print out the Exhibit Hall floorplan with your booths highlighted.

If you don’t want to set up a profile, you don’t have too. The Online Exhibitor Directory lets you search exhibitors and the Exhibit Hall floor plan by:

  • Company Name
  • Booth Number
  • Product Category
  • Disease State

Use the Get Started Now link toward the bottom of the screen to access My Show Planner as a way to organize your time in the Exhibit Hall. This feature uses your exhibitor searches to create a personal, customized agenda just for you.

Rare Lung Disease Guide

The scope of the ATS 2017 program is broad—covering pulmonary, critical care, and sleep medicine—and a wealth of scientific and clinical information is presented. The ATS publishes the Rare Lung Disease Guide to help you find important presentations at the conference. Printed copies are available at the ATS Center and the Clinicians Center.

The Rare Lung Disease Guide lists presentations about uncommon diseases as well as clinical topics of importance to ATS members, conference attendees, and patients that may not be prominently featured in the program each year.

In addition, several patient advocacy groups are exhibiting at ATS 2017. The guide lists these groups, many of which are members of the ATS Public Advisory Roundtable, and their locations at the conference.

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